For sure each company have different source of data with allow to track and to assest the portfolio performance.
Sometimes these data, because they are coming from diferent provider, need to be harmonized and need some abilityes to read them, just to be sure we compare apple with apple.
Sales from/to distributors, from third party, direct to market sales, CRM orders, all of them are valuable source of data which can give us great details about company portfolio performance, is they are put intr-o a concise dashboard system.
Company portfolio assesment is not just one time shot analyses, it should be a continuous process aimed to sustain company strategy implementation.
The systems use to sustain such process should be flexible, easy to update and ready for use with minimal human
Split of company portfolio into big segments:
Split of company portfolio into main products by sales:
Overview of top 10 company products with the following details:
- Average price - could be compared with the average price of corresponding markets
- Average prices for top three competitors by sales on MAT
Key growth drivers, main contributors for company growth, for the segment most suitable with company comrtfolio
Top 20 Company Products
Top 20 Company Products ranking on the most relevant market for company strategy
Product Dashboard
The easiest way to have comlete analyses just on second with few clicks
Full company overview